This function takes a data.frame as input, compares proportion of positive cases or mean measure in one subgroup and the remaining samples.

  grp_vars = NULL,
  enrich_vars = NULL,
  cross = TRUE,
  co_method = c("t.test", "wilcox.test"),
  ref_group = NA



a data.frame.


character vector specifying group variables to split samples into subgroups (at least 2 subgroups, otherwise this variable will be skipped).


character vector specifying measure variables to be compared. If variable is not numeric, only binary cases are accepted in the form of TRUE/FALSE or P/N (P for positive cases and N for negative cases). Of note, NA values set to negative cases.


logical, default is TRUE, combine all situations provided by grp_vars and enrich_vars. For examples, c('A', 'B') and c('C', 'D') will construct 4 combinations(i.e. "AC", "AD", "BC" and "BD"). A variable can not be in both grp_vars and enrich_vars, such cases will be automatically drop. If FALSE, use pairwise combinations, see section "examples" for use cases.


test method for continuous variable, default is 't.test'.


reference group set in grp_vars.


a data.table with following columns:

  • grp_var: group variable name.

  • enrich_var: enrich variable (variable to be compared) name.

  • grp1: the first group name, should be a member in grp_var column.

  • grp2: the remaining samples, marked as 'Rest'.

  • grp1_size: sample size for grp1.

  • grp1_pos_measure: for binary variable, it stores the proportion of positive cases in grp1; for continuous variable, it stores mean value.

  • grp2_size: sample size for grp2.

  • grp2_pos_measure: same as grp1_pos_measure but for grp2.

  • measure_observed: for binary variable, it stores odds ratio; for continuous variable, it stores scaled mean ratio.

  • measure_tested: only for binary variable, it stores estimated odds ratio and its 95% CI from fisher.test().

  • p_value: for binary variable, it stores p value from fisher.test(); for continuous variable, it stores value from wilcox.test() or t.test().

  • type: one of "binary" and "continuous".

  • method: one of "fish.test", "wilcox.test" and "t.test".


df <- dplyr::tibble(
  g1 = factor(abs(round(rnorm(99, 0, 1)))),
  g2 = rep(LETTERS[1:4], c(50, 40, 8, 1)),
  e1 = sample(c("P", "N"), 99, replace = TRUE),
  e2 = rnorm(99)

#> tibble [99 × 4] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ g1: Factor w/ 4 levels "0","1","2","3": 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 ...
#>  $ g2: chr [1:99] "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
#>  $ e1: chr [1:99] "N" "N" "P" "P" ...
#>  $ e2: num [1:99] -0.801 1.261 1.059 -0.385 -1.716 ...
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   g1    g2    e1        e2
#>   <fct> <chr> <chr>  <dbl>
#> 1 0     A     N     -0.801
#> 2 1     A     N      1.26 
#> 3 0     A     P      1.06 
#> 4 0     A     P     -0.385
#> 5 1     A     N     -1.72 
#> 6 0     A     N     -1.79 

# Compare g1:e1, g1:e2, g2:e1 and g2:e2
x1 <- group_enrichment(df, grp_vars = c("g1", "g2"), enrich_vars = c("e1", "e2"))
#> Handing pair g1:e1
#> ============================
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 0
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 1
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 2
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 3
#> Handing pair g2:e1
#> ============================
#> Handing pair g2:e1 - group: A
#> Handing pair g2:e1 - group: B
#> Handing pair g2:e1 - group: C
#> Handing pair g2:e1 - group: D
#> Handing pair g1:e2
#> ============================
#> Handing pair g1:e2 - group: 0
#> Handing pair g1:e2 - group: 1
#> Handing pair g1:e2 - group: 2
#> Handing pair g1:e2 - group: 3
#>   An error occur when testing, it will be skipped. Info:
#>     not enough 'x' observations
#> Handing pair g2:e2
#> ============================
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: A
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: B
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: C
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: D
#>   An error occur when testing, it will be skipped. Info:
#>     not enough 'x' observations
#>     grp_var enrich_var   grp1   grp2 grp1_size grp1_pos_measure grp2_size
#>      <char>     <char> <char> <char>     <num>            <num>     <num>
#>  1:      g1         e1      0   Rest        32       0.46875000        67
#>  2:      g1         e1      1   Rest        54       0.57407407        45
#>  3:      g1         e1      2   Rest        12       0.58333333        87
#>  4:      g1         e1      3   Rest         1       1.00000000        98
#>  5:      g2         e1      A   Rest        50       0.50000000        49
#>  6:      g2         e1      B   Rest        40       0.55000000        59
#>  7:      g2         e1      C   Rest         8       0.75000000        91
#>  8:      g2         e1      D   Rest         1       1.00000000        98
#>  9:      g1         e2      0   Rest        32      -0.10095792        67
#> 10:      g1         e2      1   Rest        54       0.14485233        45
#> 11:      g1         e2      2   Rest        12      -0.20355859        87
#> 12:      g1         e2      3   Rest         1      -0.91919633        98
#> 13:      g2         e2      A   Rest        50      -0.03216117        49
#> 14:      g2         e2      B   Rest        40       0.03554310        59
#> 15:      g2         e2      C   Rest         8       0.10479595        91
#> 16:      g2         e2      D   Rest         1       0.57743977        98
#>     grp2_pos_measure measure_observed       measure_tested   p_value       type
#>                <num>            <num>               <char>     <num>     <char>
#>  1:      0.582089552        0.8052885  0.636 (0.249,1.609) 0.3883298     binary
#>  2:      0.511111111        1.1231884   1.286 (0.54,3.078) 0.5500606     binary
#>  3:      0.540229885        1.0797872  1.189 (0.298,5.143) 1.0000000     binary
#>  4:      0.540816327        1.8490566      Inf (0.021,Inf) 1.0000000     binary
#>  5:      0.591836735        0.8448276  0.692 (0.289,1.643) 0.4215518     binary
#>  6:      0.542372881        1.0140625  1.031 (0.427,2.501) 1.0000000     binary
#>  7:      0.527472527        1.4218750 2.663 (0.446,28.341) 0.2856324     binary
#>  8:      0.540816327        1.8490566      Inf (0.021,Inf) 1.0000000     binary
#>  9:      0.066569050        0.9276431                 <NA> 0.3803124 continuous
#> 10:     -0.146501176        1.1385935                 <NA> 0.1319806 continuous
#> 11:      0.042208918        0.8927214                 <NA> 0.3391939 continuous
#> 12:      0.021925195        0.5855265                 <NA>        NA continuous
#> 13:      0.057908803        0.9609516                 <NA> 0.6523714 continuous
#> 14:     -0.003258494        1.0172800                 <NA> 0.8484093 continuous
#> 15:      0.004297859        1.0446060                 <NA> 0.7841570 continuous
#> 16:      0.006653398        1.2530787                 <NA>        NA continuous
#>          method       fdr
#>          <char>     <num>
#>  1: fisher.test 1.0000000
#>  2: fisher.test 1.0000000
#>  3: fisher.test 1.0000000
#>  4: fisher.test 1.0000000
#>  5: fisher.test 0.8431035
#>  6: fisher.test 1.0000000
#>  7: fisher.test 0.8431035
#>  8: fisher.test 1.0000000
#>  9:      t.test 0.3803124
#> 10:      t.test 0.3803124
#> 11:      t.test 0.3803124
#> 12:      t.test        NA
#> 13:      t.test 0.8484093
#> 14:      t.test 0.8484093
#> 15:      t.test 0.8484093
#> 16:      t.test        NA

# Only compare g1:e1, g2:e2
x2 <- group_enrichment(df,
  grp_vars = c("g1", "g2"),
  enrich_vars = c("e1", "e2"),
  co_method = "wilcox.test",
  cross = FALSE
#> Handing pair g1:e1
#> ============================
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 0
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 1
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 2
#> Handing pair g1:e1 - group: 3
#> Handing pair g2:e2
#> ============================
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: A
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: B
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: C
#> Handing pair g2:e2 - group: D
#>    grp_var enrich_var   grp1   grp2 grp1_size grp1_pos_measure grp2_size
#>     <char>     <char> <char> <char>     <num>            <num>     <num>
#> 1:      g1         e1      0   Rest        32       0.46875000        67
#> 2:      g1         e1      1   Rest        54       0.57407407        45
#> 3:      g1         e1      2   Rest        12       0.58333333        87
#> 4:      g1         e1      3   Rest         1       1.00000000        98
#> 5:      g2         e2      A   Rest        50      -0.03216117        49
#> 6:      g2         e2      B   Rest        40       0.03554310        59
#> 7:      g2         e2      C   Rest         8       0.10479595        91
#> 8:      g2         e2      D   Rest         1       0.57743977        98
#>    grp2_pos_measure measure_observed      measure_tested   p_value       type
#>               <num>            <num>              <char>     <num>     <char>
#> 1:      0.582089552        0.8052885 0.636 (0.249,1.609) 0.3883298     binary
#> 2:      0.511111111        1.1231884  1.286 (0.54,3.078) 0.5500606     binary
#> 3:      0.540229885        1.0797872 1.189 (0.298,5.143) 1.0000000     binary
#> 4:      0.540816327        1.8490566     Inf (0.021,Inf) 1.0000000     binary
#> 5:      0.057908803        0.9609516                <NA> 0.4188997 continuous
#> 6:     -0.003258494        1.0172800                <NA> 0.5468097 continuous
#> 7:      0.004297859        1.0446060                <NA> 0.9437054 continuous
#> 8:      0.006653398        1.2530787                <NA> 0.3912673 continuous
#>         method       fdr
#>         <char>     <num>
#> 1: fisher.test 1.0000000
#> 2: fisher.test 1.0000000
#> 3: fisher.test 1.0000000
#> 4: fisher.test 1.0000000
#> 5: wilcox.test 0.7290796
#> 6: wilcox.test 0.7290796
#> 7: wilcox.test 0.9437054
#> 8: wilcox.test 0.7290796

# \donttest{
# Visualization
p1 <- show_group_enrichment(x1, fill_by_p_value = TRUE)

p2 <- show_group_enrichment(x1, fill_by_p_value = FALSE)
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_text()`).

p3 <- show_group_enrichment(x1, return_list = TRUE)
#> $g1

#> $g2

# }