A wrapper calling ASCAT on WES data on one or more tumor(-normal paired) bam data. Note, for multiple tumor-normal pairs, the first 5 arguments should be a vector with same length.
normalseqfile = NA_character_,
normalname = NA_character_,
jobname = tumourname,
outdir = getwd(),
allelecounter_exe = "~/miniconda3/envs/cancerit/bin/alleleCounter",
g1000allelesprefix = file.path("~/data/snp/1000G_loci_hg38",
g1000lociprefix = file.path("~/data/snp/1000G_loci_hg38",
GCcontentfile = "~/data/snp/GC_correction_hg38.txt",
replictimingfile = "~/data/snp/RT_correction_hg38.txt",
nthreads = 22,
minCounts = 10,
BED_file = NA,
probloci_file = NA,
chrom_names = 1:22,
gender = "XX",
min_base_qual = 20,
min_map_qual = 35,
penalty = 70,
skip_finished_ASCAT = FALSE
Full path to the tumour BAM file.
Full path to the normal BAM file.
Identifier to be used for tumour output files.
Identifier to be used for normal output files.
job name, typically an unique name for a tumor-normal pair.
result output path.
Path to the allele counter executable.
Prefix path to the 1000 Genomes alleles reference files.
Prefix path to the 1000 Genomes SNP reference files.
File containing the GC content around every SNP for increasing window sizes
File containing replication timing at every SNP for various cell lines (optional)
The number of parallel processes for getting allele counts (optional, default=1).
Minimum depth required in the normal for a SNP to be considered (optional, default=10).
A BED file for only looking at SNPs within specific intervals (optional, default=NA).
A file (chromosome <tab> position; no header) containing specific loci to ignore (optional, default=NA).
A vector containing the names of chromosomes to be considered (optional, default=1:22).
a vector of gender for each cases ("XX" or "XY"). Default = all female ("XX"). Ignore this if you don't include sex chromosomes.
Minimum base quality required for a read to be counted (optional, default=20).
Minimum mapping quality required for a read to be counted (optional, default=35).
penalty of introducing an additional ASPCF breakpoint (expert parameter, don't adapt unless you know what you're doing)
, skipped finished ASCAT calls
to save time.
Nothing. Check the outdir
for results.