Show Signature Profile with Loop Way
sig_names = NULL,
ncol = 1,
nrow = NULL,
x_lab = "Components",
a Signature
object obtained either from sig_extract or sig_auto_extract,
or just a raw signature matrix with row representing components (motifs) and column
representing signatures (column names must start with 'Sig').
subset signatures or set name of signatures, can be a character vector.
Default is NULL
, prefix 'Sig' plus number is used.
(optional) Number of columns in the plot grid.
(optional) Number of rows in the plot grid.
x axis lab.
other parameters but sig_order
passing to show_sig_profile.
a ggplot
result from cowplot::plot_grid()
# \donttest{
load(system.file("extdata", "toy_mutational_signature.RData",
package = "sigminer", mustWork = TRUE
# Show signature profile
p1 <- show_sig_profile_loop(sig2, mode = "SBS")
p2 <- show_sig_profile_loop(sig2, mode = "SBS", style = "cosmic", sig_names = c("A", "B", "C"))
# }